#=========================================== # Install Oracle Virtual Box #=========================================== In a browswer, go to: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads Download VirtualBox 4.0.4 for Windows hosts http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.0.4/VirtualBox-4.0.4-70112-Win.exe Double click on VirtualBox-4.0.4-70112-Win.exe (Note: I had a previous version installed on my system, some dialogs may differ on a fresh installation) In the 'Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.0.4 Setup' window, Select 'Next' In the 'Custom Setup' dialog, Select 'Next' In the 'Custom Setup' dialog Select the options that you would like Select 'Next' In the 'Warning: Network Interfaces' dialog, Select 'Yes' In the 'Ready to Install' dialog, Select 'Install' (Note: I have excluded mentioning the Windows 7 security related dialogs) In the 'Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.0.4 Setup' window, Select 'Finish' #=========================================== # Configure Ubuntu 10.10 VM #=========================================== Start Oracle VM Virtual Box (Version 3.2.6.r63112) Select 'New' In the "Welcome to the New Virtual Machine Wizard" dialog, select 'Next' In the "VM Name and OS Type" dialog, Enter: 'ub1010-gistemp' Select 'Linux' Select 'Ubuntu' Select 'Next' In the 'Memory' dialog, Select '1024MB' Select 'Next' In the 'Virutal Hard Disk' dialog, Select 'Next' In the 'Welcome to the Create New Virtual Disk Wizard' dialog, Select 'Next' In the 'Hard Disk Storage Type' dialog, Select 'Next' In the 'Virtual Disk Location and Size' dialog, Select 'Next' In the 'Summary' dialog, Select 'Finish' In the 'Summary' dialog, Select 'Finish' In the 'Oracle VM VirtualBox' window, Right Click on 'ub1010-gistemp' Select 'Settings...' In the 'ub1010-gistemp' window, In the left hand column, Select 'Network' In the 'Adapter 1' tab, Select 'Bridged Apdapter; Select 'DW1501 Wireless-N WLAN Half-Mini Card' (The above setting is machine dependent) Select 'OK' #=========================================== # Initiate Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop Installation #=========================================== In a browser, go to: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download Download Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop: ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso If not already started, Start the "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager" In the left hand column, Highlight 'ub1010-gistemp' In the upper menu, Select 'Start; In the 'First Run Wizard' dialog, Select 'Next' In the 'Select Installation Media' dialog, Select the small 'directoy' icon in the "Media Source' panel. In the "Choose a virtual CD/DVD disk file" window, Navigate to the directory you downloaded the Ubuntu image. C:\Users\someone\Downloads\ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso Select 'Open' In the 'Select Installation Media' dialog, Select 'Next' In the 'Summary' dialog, Select 'Finish' The 'ub1010-gistemp [Running] - Oracle VMBox' window opens. #=========================================== # Install Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop #=========================================== In the 'ub1010-gistemp [Running] - Oracle VMBox' window ... In the 'Install' window, Select 'Install Ubuntu' In the 'Preparing to install Ubuntu' dialog, Select 'Forward' In the 'Allocate drive space' dialog, Select 'Forward' In the 'Allocate drive space' dialog, Select 'Install Now' In the 'Where are you?' dialog, Select 'Forward' In the 'Keyboard layout' dialog, Select 'Forward' In the 'Who are you' dialog, In the 'Your name' field, enter: In the 'Your computer's name' field, enter: In the 'Pick a username, enter: In the 'Choose a password, enter: In the 'Confirm your password, enter: Select 'Forward' In the 'ub1010-gistemp [Running] - Oracle VMBox' window, In the upper menu, Select Devices -> CD/DVD Devices -> Remove Disk from Virtual Drive In the 'Installation Complete' window, Select 'Restart Now' #=========================================== # Update Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop #=========================================== In the 'ub1010-gistemp [Running] - Oracle VMBox' window ... In the login window, select In the password field, enter: Select 'Log In' From the Ubuntu Desktop Dropdown Menu Select System -> Administration -> Update Manager In the 'Update Manager' window, Select 'Install Updates' In the 'Authenticate' dialog, Enter Note: This will take some time When update is completed ... In the 'Update Manager' window, Select 'Restart Now' After the VM has restarted, In the lower right hand tool bar, Select -> Shutdown #=========================================== # Snapshot ub1010-giss VM #=========================================== In the "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager" window ... In the left hand column, Highlight 'ub1010-gistemp' In the upper right hand menu Select 'Snapshots' In the right hand panel, Select the 'Snapshot' icon (camera) In the 'Take Snapshot of Virtual Machine' dialog, In the 'Snapshot Name' field, enter: Fresh Install In the 'Snapshot Enter' field, enter: Bare Metal Install and Update Select 'OK' #=========================================== # Install required software #=========================================== In the "Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager" window ... In the left hand column, Highlight 'ub1010-gistemp' In the upper window, Select 'Start' In the login window, select In the password field, enter: Select 'Log In' From the Ubuntu Desktop Menu, Select Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal In the '@:~' terminal window, Enter: sudo apt-get install gfortran Enter: Enter: Y In the '@:~' terminal window, Enter: sudo apt-get install ksh #(Note: The following is used to mount my shared files. # I include it only for completeness) # In the '@:~' terminal window, # Enter: sudo apt-get install smbfs # mkdir ~/mybook # alias mc='echo | sudo smbmount "// book" mybook' #=========================================== # Install required software #=========================================== #- The Ubuntu Python package does not include #- everything needed to build older python modules In the '@:~' terminal window, Enter: sudo su Enter: mkdir /opt/tmp Enter: mkdir /opt/python-2.6 Enter: mkdir /opt/gistemp-linux Enter: chown : /opt/tmp Enter: chown : /opt/python-2.6 Enter: chown : /opt/gistemp-linux Enter: exit From the Desktop Toolbar, Select 'Firefox' Navitge to: http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.6.6/ Download the 'Gzipped source tar ball' to your Downloads directory http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.6.6/Python-2.6.6.tgz In the '@:~' terminal window, Enter: cp ~/Downloads/Python-2.6.6.tgz /opt/tmp Enter: cd /opt/tmp Enter: tar -xvzf Python-2.6.6.tgz Enter: cd Python-2.6.6 Enter: ./configure --prefix=/opt/python-2.6 Enter: make Enter: make install #=========================================== # Download GISTEMP, data, and helper scripts #=========================================== #- Use the command 'wget' to save these files to the Downloads directory Enter: cd ~/Downloads Enter: wget ftp://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/sources/GISTEMP_sources.tar.gz Enter: wget ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ghcn/v2/v2.mean.Z Enter: wget ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/ushcn/v2/monthly/9641C_201103_F52.avg.gz Enter: wget ftp://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/SBBX.HadR2 Enter: wget http://rhinohide.org/gw/code/gistemp/scripts/swap.f Enter: wget http://rhinohide.org/gw/code/gistemp/scripts/Makefile.rb.monthlydata Enter: wget http://rhinohide.org/gw/code/gistemp/scripts/Makefile.rb.stationstring In the '@:~' terminal window, Enter: cd /opt/gistemp-linux Enter: tar xvzf ~/Downloads/GISTEMP_sources.tar.gz #=========================================== # GISTEMP STEP0 #=========================================== Enter: cd /opt/gistemp-linux/GISTEMP_sources/STEP0 #- install data files not provided Enter: cd input_files Enter: cp ~/Downloads/v2.mean.Z . Enter: uncompress v2.mean.Z Enter: cp ~/Downloads/9641C_201103_F52.avg.gz . Enter: gunzip 9641C_201103_F52.avg.gz Enter: cp 9641C_201103_F52.avg USHCNv2.avg Enter: cd .. #- correct run script for 'tail' syntax Enter: cp do_comb_step0.sh do_comb_step0.sh.orig Enter: sed 's/+100/-100/' do_comb_step0.sh.orig > do_comb_step0.sh #- run step 0 Enter: export PATH=.:$PATH Enter: export FC=gfortran Enter: do_comb_step0.sh v2.mean #- copy output Enter: mkdir ../STEP1/temp_files Enter: cp temp_files/* ../STEP1/temp_files Enter: cd .. #=========================================== # GISTEMP STEP1 #=========================================== Enter: cd STEP1 Enter: mkdir work_files #- compile python stationstringmodule.so Enter: cd EXTENSIONS/stationstring Enter: cp ~/Downloads/Makefile.rb.stationstring . Enter: make -f Makefile.rb.stationstring Enter: cp stationstringmodule.so ../.. #- compile python monthlydatamodule.so Enter: cd ../monthlydata Enter: cp ~/Downloads/Makefile.rb.monthlydata . Enter: make -f Makefile.rb.monthlydata Enter: cp monthlydatamodule.so ../.. # run step 1 Enter: cd ../.. Enter: do_comb_step1.sh # copy output Enter: mkdir ../STEP2/temp_files Enter: cp temp_files/Ts.txt ../STEP2/temp_files Enter: cd .. #=========================================== # GISTEMP STEP2 #=========================================== Enter: cd STEP2 Enter: mkdir work_files #- run step 2 Enter: do_comb_step2.sh 2011 # copy output Enter: mkdir ../STEP3/temp_files Enter: cp temp_files/Ts.GHCN.CL.* ../STEP3/temp_files Enter: cd .. #=========================================== # GISTEMP STEP3 #=========================================== Enter: cd STEP3 #- run step 3 Enter: do_comb_step3.sh #- display GISTEMP Land Anomalies Enter: cat results/GLB.Ts.GHCN.CL.PA.txt # You can compare results with # http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata/GLB.Ts.txt # copy output Enter: cp temp_files/SBBX1880.Ts.GHCN.CL.PA.1200 ../STEP4_5/input_files Enter: cd .. #=========================================== # GISTEMP STEP4_5 #=========================================== #- there is code here to update SBBX.HadR2 files #- with recent OI data, which I forego for the moment Enter: cd STEP4_5 #- convert byte order of file Enter: cp ~/Downloads/swap.f . Enter: gfortran swap.f -o swap.exe Enter: cp input_files/SBBX1880.Ts.GHCN.CL.PA.1200 input_files/SBBX1880.Ts.GHCN.CL.PL.1200-orig Enter: ln -s input_files/SBBX1880.Ts.GHCN.CL.PL.1200-orig DAT Enter: swap.exe Enter: mv DAT_REV input_files/SBBX1880.Ts.GHCN.CL.PL.1200 Enter: rm DAT #- run step 5 Enter: export GFORTRAN_CONVERT_UNIT=BIG_ENDIAN Enter: do_comb_step5.sh #- display GISTEMP Land and Sea Anomalies Enter: cat results/GLB.Ts.ho2.GHCN.CL.PA.txt # You can compare results with # http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata/GLB.Ts+dSST.txt