function [Fsw,ecc,obliquity,long_perh] = daily_insolation(kyear,lat,day,day_type) % Usage: % Fsw = daily_insolation(kyear,lat,day) % % Optional inputs/outputs: % [Fsw, ecc, obliquity, long_perh] = daily_insolation(kyear,lat,day,day_type) % % Description: % Computes daily average insolation as a function of day and latitude at % any point during the past 5 million years. % % Inputs: % kyear: Thousands of years before present (0 to 5000). % lat: Latitude in degrees (-90 to 90). % day: Indicator of time of year, by default day 1 is Jan 1. % day_type: Convention for specifying time of year (+/- 1,2) [optional]. % day_type=1 (default): day input is calendar day (1-365.24), where day 1 % is January first. The calendar is referenced to the vernal equinox % which always occurs at day 80. % day_type=2: day input is solar longitude (0-360 degrees). Solar % longitude is the angle of the Earth's orbit measured from spring % equinox (21 March). Note that calendar days and solar longitude are % not linearly related because, by Kepler's Second Law, Earth's % angular velocity varies according to its distance from the sun. % If day_type is negative, kyear is taken to be a 3 element array % containing [eccentricity, obliquity, and longitude of perihelion]. % % Output: % Fsw = Daily average solar radiation in W/m^2. % Can also output orbital parameters. % % Required file: orbital_parameter_data.mat % % Detailed description of calculation: % Values for eccentricity, obliquity, and longitude of perihelion for the % past 5 Myr are taken from Berger and Loutre 1991 (data from % If using calendar days, solar longitude is found using an % approximate solution to the differential equation representing conservation % of angular momentum (Kepler's Second Law). Given the orbital parameters % and solar longitude, daily average insolation is calculated exactly % following Berger 1978. % % References: % Berger A. and Loutre M.F. (1991). Insolation values for the climate of % the last 10 million years. Quaternary Science Reviews, 10(4), 297-317. % Berger A. (1978). Long-term variations of daily insolation and % Quaternary climatic changes. Journal of Atmospheric Science, 35(12), % 2362-2367. % % Authors: % Ian Eisenman and Peter Huybers, Harvard University, August 2006 % % This file is available online at % % % For function syntax, enter daily_insolation with no arguments. % For examples, enter daily_insolation('examples') % === Examples === if nargin==1 if isstr(kyear) if kyear=='examples' disp(' ') disp(' Example 1: Summer solstice insolation at 65 N') disp(' Fsw=daily_insolation(0:1000,65,90,2);') disp(' plot(0:1000,Fsw)') disp(' ') disp(' Example 2: Difference between June 20 (calendar day) and summer solstice insolation at 65 N') disp(' june20=datenum(0,6,20)-1; % year 0 is leap-year for datenum') disp(' Fsw1=daily_insolation(0:1000,65,june20); % June 20') disp(' Fsw2=daily_insolation(0:1000,65,90,2); % solstice') disp(' plot(0:1000,Fsw1-Fsw2)') disp(' ') disp(' Example 3: Insolation for the current orbital configuration as a function of day and latitude') disp(' [day lat]=meshgrid(1:5:365, -90:90);') disp(' [Fsw,ecc,obl,omega]=daily_insolation(0,lat,day);') disp(' [c,h]=contour(day,lat,Fsw,[0:50:500]);') disp(' clabel(c,h)') disp(' disp([ecc,obl,omega])') disp(' ') disp(' Example 4: Annual average insolation by explicitly specifying orbital parameters') disp(' ecc=0.017236; obl=23.446; omega=101.37+180;') disp(' [day lat]=meshgrid(1:5:365, -90:90);') disp(' Fsw=daily_insolation([ecc,obl,omega],lat,day,-1);') disp(' plot(-90:90,mean(Fsw''))') disp(' ') disp(' Example 5: Compare calculated insolation with example values given by Berger (1991); requires file ORBIT91 from') disp(' m=dlmread(''ORBIT91'','' '',3,0); % Matlab 6.5') disp(' m=dlmread(''ORBIT91'','''',3,0); % Matlab 7') disp(' Fsw=daily_insolation(0:5000,65,(7-3)*30,2)*1360/1365; % July 65N; Berger uses So=1360') disp(' plot(m(:,1),1-m(:,6)./Fsw'') % values agree within 3e-5') disp(' ') disp(' Example 6: Plot 65N integrated summer insolation as in Huybers (2006), Science 313 508-511') disp(' [kyear day]=meshgrid(1000:1:2000,1:1:365);') disp(' Fsw = daily_insolation(kyear,65,day);') disp(' Fsw(Fsw<275)=0;') disp(' plot(-(1000:1:2000),sum(Fsw,1)*86400*10^-9)') disp(' title(''As in Huybers (2006) Fig. 2C'')') return end end end % === Check input arguments === if nargin<3, disp('Fsw = daily_insolation(kyear,lat,day,day_type)'); disp(' for examples, enter daily_insolation(''examples'')'); return; end if nargin<4, day_type=1; end % === Get orbital parameters === if day_type>=0 [ecc,epsilon,omega]=orbital_parameters(kyear); % function is below in this file else if length(kyear)~=3 disp('Error: expect 3-element kyear argument for day_type<0'), Fsw=nan; inso; return end ecc=kyear(1); epsilon=kyear(2) * pi/180; omega=kyear(3) * pi/180; end % For output of orbital parameters obliquity=epsilon*180/pi; long_perh=omega*180/pi; % === Calculate insolation === lat=lat*pi/180; % latitude % lambda (or solar longitude) is the angular distance along Earth's orbit measured from spring equinox (21 March) if abs(day_type)==1 % calendar days % estimate lambda from calendar day using an approximation from Berger 1978 section 3 delta_lambda_m=(day-80)*2*pi/365.2422; beta=(1-ecc.^2).^(1/2); lambda_m0=-2*( (1/2*ecc+1/8*ecc.^3).*(1+beta).*sin(-omega)-... 1/4*ecc.^2.*(1/2+beta).*sin(-2*omega)+1/8*ecc.^3.*(1/3+beta).*(sin(-3*omega)) ); lambda_m=lambda_m0+delta_lambda_m; lambda=lambda_m+(2*ecc-1/4*ecc.^3).*sin(lambda_m-omega)+... (5/4)*ecc.^2.*sin(2*(lambda_m-omega))+(13/12)*ecc.^3.*sin(3*(lambda_m-omega)); elseif abs(day_type)==2 %solar longitude (1-360) lambda=day*2*pi/360; % lambda=0 for spring equinox else disp('Error: invalid day_type'); Fsw=nan; inso; return end So=1365; % solar constant (W/m^2) delta=asin(sin(epsilon).*sin(lambda)); % declination of the sun Ho=acos(-tan(lat).*tan(delta)); % hour angle at sunrise/sunset % no sunrise or no sunset: Berger 1978 eqn (8),(9) Ho( ( abs(lat) >= pi/2 - abs(delta) ) & ( lat.*delta > 0 ) )=pi; Ho( ( abs(lat) >= pi/2 - abs(delta) ) & ( lat.*delta <= 0 ) )=0; % Insolation: Berger 1978 eq (10) Fsw=So/pi*(1+ecc.*cos(lambda-omega)).^2 ./ ... (1-ecc.^2).^2 .* ... ( Ho.*sin(lat).*sin(delta) + cos(lat).*cos(delta).*sin(Ho) ); % === Calculate orbital parameters === function [ecc,epsilon,omega] = orbital_parameters(kyear) % === Load orbital parameters (given each kyr for 0-5Mya) === % this .mat file contains the matrix m with data from Berger and Loutre 1991 load orbital_parameter_data.mat; kyear0=-m(:,1); % kyears before present for data (kyear0>=0); ecc0=m(:,2); % eccentricity % add 180 degrees to omega (see lambda definition, Berger 1978 Appendix) omega0=m(:,3)+180; % longitude of perihelion (precession angle) omega0=unwrap(omega0*pi/180)*180/pi; % remove discontinuities (360 degree jumps) epsilon0=m(:,4); % obliquity angle % Interpolate to requested dates ecc=spline(kyear0,ecc0,kyear); % eccs means array of ecc values omega=spline(kyear0,omega0,kyear) * pi/180; epsilon=spline(kyear0,epsilon0,kyear) * pi/180;