%Description: % % This program generates the summer energy tables accompanying this % submission. Summer energies (in Giga-Joules/m^2) are reported at each five % degree latitude increment from 90S to 90N in an individual table. Rows in % each table correspond to kila-years before present (0 to 5000ky BP) and columns to % different threshold values (0 to 600 W/m^2 at 25 W/m^2 increments). Note % that computation time, depending upon the machine, can take many hours. clear; lat=-90:5:90; %latitude tau=0:25:600; %threshold values in W/m^2. kyear=0:5000; %thousands of years before present day=1:.1:365.2; %day of the year, where day 1 is January 1st. [kyear_grid day_grid]=meshgrid(kyear,day); for ct_lat=1:length(lat), lat(ct_lat), clear J; %Calculate integrated summer energy Fsw=daily_insolation(kyear_grid,lat(ct_lat),day_grid); for ct_tau=1:length(tau), Fsw_temp=Fsw; Fsw_temp(Fsw_temp